Musical Schedule

Every Friday I will have a new blog post! Sometimes in the middle of the week i will post mini messages, too!

          The Thanksgiving Holiday 
     As you know, Thanksgiving is coming up and we're all thinking about the turkey and food. But, little do we notice, we don't actually give thanks on this day and remember the day it was actually created. So, in this special Thanksgiving blog post, I'm going to put up some facts about the history of Thanksgiving that I bet you didn't know, so take a look at this video: 

So, while watching this video, I bet that you didn't know that Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving in the 1860's. If you did, then, this is something that you probably didn't notice. The Native Americans and pilgrims introduced it, and the festival went on for three days! Thanksgiving is a day to be grateful for what we have, to give thanks, to put it another way. Even when we don't get everything we want. So, let's embrace what the founders and leaders of our country created. And give thanks.
A Musical Thanksgiving?
How does music, relate to Thanksgiving, you're probably thinking. Maybe, Thanksgiving music? But actually I wanted to put up music that shows thanks and appreciation to the things we have. And also,  autumn music, since Thanksgiving is in fall. So, even though Thanksgiving passed, you can still listen to these songs and think about Thanksgiving. So, here you go! ( Here's where you can find some of the top thankful songs to be found: , and here's the link for top fall songs to be found: So, listen to these songs and remember to be grateful. Until next time, try to be thankful for the music. (Also, leave a comment below saying what you did for your Thanksgiving, if you'd like!)

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