Musical Travelling?
When I say that, you may think of travelling music or something else boring and ridiculous. But, when I say "Musical Travelling" I mean travelling to some of the best places to hear music! I know, it might be a waste of money, energy, and gasoline, but maybe sometime on the weekends or holidays, you can travel to a local place to hear music other than your computer, or tablet. Here are some great places (I tried to keep it in a range of this state, but I'll list some in other states in the U.S. anyways because it doesn't hurt to have extra information...) *I give this information credit to and * :
- Nashville, TN - The Grand Ole Opry, a nice place for country bands and musicians, turned Nashville into a capital of country music.
- London, UK - A place to travel for English-Rock Lovers.
- Or in Morris County, New Jersey, Barque Orchestra.
I also give credit to for the Morris County Information. Do you know what is very sad? I searched for "Local Musical Attractions" but a bunch of Waterpark and Rollercoaster websites popped up instead. It seems as if people are taking music for granted and instead giving attention to something "more interesting". Hmmph.
The History of Music!
Music. Most of us "Musical Minds" think about the more modern music when the word "MUSIC" is mentioned. But, hear the history of what we think is "music" and maybe next time, we all will think of something different. Here are some researched facts:
- There is a theory that music came from the Ancient Greek muses, who were the 9 gods and goddesses of art, and science.
- There is another theory that music actually began around 500 B.C., when Pythagoras (Pie-tha-gore-rus) an Ancient Greek philosopher experimented with acoustics, and found out how math related to tones formed from plucking strings.
- Another one was that the main form of music came from Pope Gregory I, "The gregorian chant was used for religious services and at first, did not include instrumentation. And then music began to be mentioned outside of the Church, and then people inserted instrumentation.
These are only a couple theories but I hope this long blog post has been informative to you! (Please comment below if it was or wasn't and/or what you think Music's history was!) Until next time, try to be more of a musical historian!
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