Musical Schedule

Every Friday I will have a new blog post! Sometimes in the middle of the week i will post mini messages, too!

                       Justin Bieber 

Justin Bieber singing. How do you feel about that?
           As you know the famous and infamous "Bieber Fever" that started in 2006-2007 and still plagues many now. The people that have caught this disease are called "Beliebers" (Believe + Bieber = Belieber, for "believing in Justin Bieber...") Will there ever be a cure? Well, some have not caught the disease, and are against the 18 year-old for no reason. You might have heard horrible rumors about Bieber, and depending how you feel about him, you might agree or disagree. This paragraph is to say, if you dislike Justin Bieber strongly, why? Is it because you want to be "cool?" Everybody is entitled to their personal opinion, but if you hate somebody for no reason, that's not a good trait in life.
        By watching television. you may know that some commericals have a special ring to them. Why is this? Don't the creators just want to persuade the consumer to spend money on the product? Well, in english class, my teacher taught me about Logos, Ethos, and Pathos. Each of them mean different things, but they are all used for the same reason. To persuade. 

  1. Logos- facts, logics; statistics 
  2. Pathos- Provoking an emotional response in the viewer
  3. Ethos- Credit to an organization or famous person 
In each commercial, it might have one or two of these. So, next time you see a commercial, be sure to check. Also, in one of my earlier blog posts, I mentioned that theme songs may have an effect on you so you can remember the show. It goes the same way with commercials so you may find yourself humming to a commercial's song trap 15 minutes later! Until next time, don't forget to relate your blog posts to music! (You might forget...)

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              One Direction; the Band

      Who seemed like nobodies in 2010, are now on the top charts of popular music in 2012 to 2013. One Direction is an Irish-British pop boy band that are the heart-throbbers of girls, and fans worldwide, naming themselves directioners (One Direction fans = Directioners). With just two albums, they're already hits on YouTube and social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and etc. (Where their journey of success began.) But their true flight was on the british t.v. show, X-Factor, where they finished third place. Signing a record label from "Columbia Records" in the U.S., this Boy Band has started a "British Invasion" in the U.S. In fact, a newspaper company name 2012 "The Year of One Direction" (Cite information-

             What is poetry to you? Is it just stanzas and lines of rhymes? Well, if it is, then you might be surprised to hear a non-rhyming poem. But, if you do, then you can be right, some poems can rhyme. One of them is actually called a song. If you haven't noticed already, a song is bascially a poem. It has a repeated line, and a beat to it. But poetry is actually an expressionism of your feelings, something that has meaning, and detail. It can rhyme, but it doesn't always have to. (Comment below your favorite poem and I'll include it in a mini message!!!) Until next time, don't forget to, comment? (Not one of my best ones, but, just don't forget.)

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             A Musical New Year!!!!

     If you watched the Ball drop in New York, or saw it on T.V., you probably didn't realize there's always some kind of music in the background, playing. That's probably because, on New Year's Eve, Mayor Bloomberg, of New York City, hires singers to perform on Time's Square, to possibly entertain the people waiting for the countdown so they don't get bored. If you watched it all happen, then you would know that when the ball dropped, "Amazing Grace" played. Do you know why? Well, its because, that since its a new year, you should start off fresh, and, make resolutions to form a better year than before. (In the comments section below, tell me what some of your resolutions were!)
       Songwriters. They're the people behind the scenes, that help to create some of the world's greatest songs. But, their "boss" (the singer) always takes the credit. So, part of this blog post was to give credit to the talented songwriters behind the scenes. Next time, when you see or hear a very good song, try to think back and give credit for songwriters. Songwriters most likely get paid a lot to write songs in "mystery", but glory is priceless. Until next time, try realize the songwriters.

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Keep Posting!

Sorry that over the break I haven't updated! Still be on the lookout for any cool music! And don't forget to check out "Music of The Week"!!!! :) Thank you!

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