Music Quotes 2
I think the post about Musical Quotes was really inspirational, and made me rethink my appreciation for music, so without further ado, here's Musical Quotes 2.
- "After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." -Aldous Huxley. This quote means that sometimes music portrays a message that can't be said through words, like silence, and that's what music can do that words can't.
- "Music is everybody's possession. Its only publishers who think that people own it." -John Lennon. These inspiring words show that people all have some music within their souls, and it shows that everybody owns music, not just the famous people that create some.
- "Music can change the world because it change people." -Bono. As said before, the quotes inspired me, and hopefully others, to appreciate the notes of music, and people are the ones who inhabit our earth, and the future of it depends on us.
- "Music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life." -Jean Paul. This quote, to me, is quite ironic because through my eyes, music is life, and without it, I don't know where we would be.
- "Grenade"- Well, this song is basically about a person that would do anything at all for another, but they don't feel the same way and/or wouldn't do the same things.
- "When I Was Your Man" - Being #6 on the Billboard, Hot 100, this song is about a guy reminiscing all the good times between him and another girl, and wishing he could've had time to make more.
- "It Will Rain" - This song demonstrates a person in an uneasy relationship with another, and its a bit uncomfortable, but one person would willingly face that, rather than a day without the other.
- "Just The Way You Are" - From its words, this song is meant for the insecure people, whose insecurites are about their looks and beauty. But, this song tells the listener not to worry about their looks because they look amazing.