Dancing to Music
Hip-hop and R&B
Dancing to Music
Some Songs....
First off, I want to apologize to Teresa L., because I had incorrectly fulfilled your question. To fufill it now, I will now answer it, correctly. Since Teresa had wanted to know some songs that change your mood from sad to happy, I will give a video that shows some below.
Song Moods
One of my viewers wanted to know how a song can change your mood from sad to happy. Well, it can be anything, really! It can be the beat, genre, or just that its a cool song! I actually mentioned that in one of my earlier posts. (If you feel like searching for a good song now, click this link www.youtube.com to do that.) But, I heard about this song that surprises you! (Try searching "Surprise" on YouTube.) So I hope that I had answered your question, but if you do have anymore (related to music, of course...) please leave that in the comment section below.
Persuasive Music?
I always wondered if music can persuade you to do things. Like there's a song on Disney Channel (Fashion is My Kryptonite) And I wonder if that drove people to rummage through their closet after that song. (But if you really want a fashion site, go to http://thenextcoco.blogspot.com/ to check out some fashion ideas.) I think that that idea could be dangerous, because it is sort of is like the practice of hypnotism. If you don't have any questions,try to list a song that hypnotizes you. (If its really good.) And I'll list that song in my next post. Until next time, try not to get to hypnotized by the music!